On home ground, it was hoped that President Lula would announce its carbon reduction targets on Tuesday (3rd of November), an opportunity for Brazil to take a leading role (as in the Rio Earth Summit in 1992) in COP15 with a firm and audacious position. Unfortunately that was not to be, with President capitulating and deferring an announcement until November 13th. Somewhat of a letdown after the positive signals given by Carlos Minc, who consequently seems to have disappeared from the radar, perhaps to be found in some back room, gagged and red faced.
Dilma Rousseff, Lula´s presidential candidate, has been nominated as the coordinator of the Brazilian efforts in relation to Copenhagen, a wonderful opportunity for international exposure leading up to the elections in 2010. Rumor has it that Dilma will not bring anything new to the Brazilian position on November 13, other than the 80% deforestation target already announced. According to annex 1 of the Kyoto Protocol, developing nations are not obliged to abide by fixed reduction targets, a convenient technicality that is rumored Brazil will use to relinquish a possible leadership stance in favor of “watching what everybody else does”. As my father in law once said, Brazil is the land of the future……eternally.
Further Reading:
The following is a link to an article by Miriam Leitão, titled “Sem Rumo” (Portuguese) http://bit.ly/2APbnJ
hey nice post - you are right this is a big shame
ResponderExcluirhere is an article I have written about Brazil and its (missed) opportunity at Copenhagen.
The more I think about it the more I understand the position and think that this is a big first mover problem with everyone waiting to see what happens...
Copenhagen should simply be cancelled. No good will come of it. We don't need dangerous political treaties to take responsibility for our own pollution. Also, CO2 is NOT the problem. It has now been proven that the atmosphere does release excess greenhouse gasses, not trap them in. Brazil, America, and other countries should stick to what we can do, protecting rainforests rather than taxing "polution" that is not actually dangerous as was first believed.
ResponderExcluirNo climate regime treaty is worth the loss of our nations' sovereignty.
For more information, look up Lord Christopher Monckton's recent appearance at the end of October on Glenn Beck's show in America and also in other countries (Australia, Canada...) Lord Monckton was the former science advisor for Margaret Thatcher, and a credible witness on the TRUE realities of climate change fraud.