quinta-feira, 19 de novembro de 2009

Notícias de COP15 e Mudanças Climáticas

15-11-2009 Blog of Antonio Lombardi. Artigo sobre metas de redução de emissões, adotadas pelo Brasil. Titulo: Brasil,agora com metas. Será? Link

13-11-2009 Entrevista do O Eco com Marina Silva sobre a menor taxa de desmatamento na história Brasileira. Titulo: Com Chapéu dos outros Link

13-11-2009 Jornal Globo Amazônia. Titulo: Queda recorde no ritmo do desmatamento foi causada pela crise, diz especialista Link

12-11-2009 Blog de Miriam Leitão. Comentários políticos sobre notícias da menor taxa de desmatamento. Titulo: De arcos e circos: agora todos são verdes Link

11-11-2009 Blog de Altino Machado. Artigo sobre ação “Vote para o Planeta” da Rede WWF. Titulo: Brasil participa de ação mundial pelo clima Link

09-11-2009 Blog of Antonio Lombardi. Artigo sobre o governador Serra sancionando lei de mudanças climáticas e estabelecendo 20% de redução de emissões até 2020 Titulo: Novamente São Paulo Link

20-10-2009 Blog de Reubens Born. Artigo sobre a importância de Copenhagen 15. Titluo: Mudanças de clima: hipocrisia e verdades inconvenientes

04-06-2009 EcoDesenvolvimento.org. Artigo de informações básicas sobre mudanças climáticas. Titulo: Mudanças Climáticas Link

quinta-feira, 12 de novembro de 2009

Mr President, Show us your hand - Brazil´s Environment Politics prior to COP15

Saturday November 14th is D-day, as president Luiz Inacio da Silva (Lula) brings the mallet down on Brazil´s starting position for carbon reduction targets, leading into the 3rd week prior to Copenhagen 15.

After a disappointing start on the subject early last week, there now appears to be new cause for optimism as the government issued signals that Brazil will most likely adopt a voluntary target in the order of 40%, that being 20% from the already announced deforestation (80%) targets and a further 20% from energy related emissions, such as thermoelectric power plants and transport.

The signals are positive for a process crying out for leadership. Can Lula be the leader that makes the difference in Copenhagen? It seems he wants to be, having confirmed his presence early on and challenging other world leaders to do the same, stating in a recent interview to the Financial Times, “We may not reach an agreement because of a deficiency of global leadership”.

So what drives President Lula, one of the most popular presidents of actuality, commanding the 8th largest global economy, the 4th largest carbon emitter, on a wave of positive economic data? Certainly Copenhagen puts Lula yet again on the big stage, right where he wants to be, playing another hand in a diplomatic game that offers the possibility of a permanent seat on the UN Security Council, a place he believes Brazil belongs.

Also in the game is the perpetuity of his political party (PT) as he pushes his 2010 presidential candidate Dilma Rouseff front stage, as coordinator of the Brazilian delegation in Copenhagen. Dilma, an ex guerilla during the dictator years, is known for her technical and management merits, but lacks the charisma that drives Lula´s popularity. Lula’s strategy is to convince his allies to run a two horse race between Dilma and Jose Serra (Governor of São Paulo – PSDB), preventing a pulverization of votes and giving Dilma more possibility of entering the second round of voting.

In August of this year this strategy was dealt a major blow when PTs ex-minister of the environment and senator for the state of Acre Marina Silva, entertained an invitation from the green party to join them as a potential candidate for the 2010 presidential race. Marina had resigned as Lula’s environment minister (May 2008) after a series of clashes with none other than Dilma Rouseff (and others), that demanded flexibility on environmental approvals and questioned implemented measures to combat deforestation. Her resignation highlighted the divide between economic growth and environmental prudence, and marks the stage for many battles yet to come.

In the meantime Lula is bending over backwards to use every possible opportunity to link Dilma to the environment. First the nomination as coordinator of the Brazilian delegation in Copenhagen, then at this week’s announcement on deforestation reductions the environment minister Carlos Minc was substituted by no other than....oh what a surprise... Dilma! Interestingly, the figures for deforestation were very positive, in fact the best since measurements began in 1988 (46% reduction on last year) so it seems Brazil is living up to its promises. Amongst the good news was the acknowledgement that the largest deforestation increase was on the margins of the BR163 highway, the very same project that was the subject of tensions between Dilma and Marina before her resignation. As the BR163 was part of the government’s growth acceleration plan (PAC) Dilma became impatient with “excessive delays” in the liberation of the environmental license, considering Marina to be “holding up progress”. A little ironic that Dilma is now taking the credit for deforestation! Politic maneuvering...you´ve got to love it!! As one commentator put it, “Dilma does not fit with the environment, she´s a stranger on the subject”

These days nobody can ignore the green vote and President Lula is no different, evident in the way he is avidly working to pasteurize the accomplishments and capabilities of Marina Silva, while at the same time linking Dilma´s image to Brazil’s environmental efforts, nationally and internationally. Simultaneously Jose Serra, Governor of São Paulo (PSDB) and number 1 in the 2010 election opinion polls, is also marking his territory on the subject. At the beginning of the week while the government capitulated on targets, São Paulo passed a state law establishing 20% reductions until 2020. As Brazil’s industrial power house, São Paulo represents a significant share of carbon emissions and this law perhaps facilitates the work of the government in establishing targets for Copenhagen. Regardless if that’s true or not, it seems that Jose Serra has already guaranteed his comprehension of the subject and stamped his “trademark” efficiency on climate change, so as not be left behind in the race!.

The “wild card” entry of Marina Silva into the 2010 presidential race is the most significant evolution in Brazilian politics of recent times. Suddenly the discussion of environmental sustainability will permeate into what was to be a dull repeat of economic development platforms, forcing the other candidates to clearly define their positions and scramble after concrete proof of administrative competence in the area. As a renowned authority on the subject, Marina Silva will certainly command a quality debate on the challenges of converting to a low carbon economy.

Brazil can only stand to gain from this new healthy political infusion and whilst Lula’s blatant leverage on the back of the environment is painfully obvious, the good news is that his political ambitions are fortunately converging for a positive Brazilian participation in Copenhagen. A strong leadership role in Copenhagen will reap significant political benefits for President Lula both in Brazil and abroad, and so it remains for us to observe just how firmly and positively his representation can impact the process. As the country blessed with the guardianship of the Amazon, it is the bare minimum that Brazil deserves!

sexta-feira, 6 de novembro de 2009

Barcelona – Last Stop before Copenhagen, Brazil without resolve

The countdown to Copenhagen 15 is in its closing stages in Barcelona where the last rounds of talks, before December are under way. The meetings are tense with the African delegation standing up and walking out early in the week, frustrated with progress. Many sessions became “behind closed doors” leaving the “adopt a negotiator” and “350” representatives roaming the halls in search of precious novelties. In further developments the Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd alerted - “The upcoming climate negotiations in Copenhagen are threatened by a conglomerate of opponents “driven by vested interests” aiming “to erode just enough political will that action becomes impossible” http://bit.ly/11U02l.

On home ground, it was hoped that President Lula would announce its carbon reduction targets on Tuesday (3rd of November), an opportunity for Brazil to take a leading role (as in the Rio Earth Summit in 1992) in COP15 with a firm and audacious position. Unfortunately that was not to be, with President capitulating and deferring an announcement until November 13th. Somewhat of a letdown after the positive signals given by Carlos Minc, who consequently seems to have disappeared from the radar, perhaps to be found in some back room, gagged and red faced.

Dilma Rousseff, Lula´s presidential candidate, has been nominated as the coordinator of the Brazilian efforts in relation to Copenhagen, a wonderful opportunity for international exposure leading up to the elections in 2010. Rumor has it that Dilma will not bring anything new to the Brazilian position on November 13, other than the 80% deforestation target already announced. According to annex 1 of the Kyoto Protocol, developing nations are not obliged to abide by fixed reduction targets, a convenient technicality that is rumored Brazil will use to relinquish a possible leadership stance in favor of “watching what everybody else does”. As my father in law once said, Brazil is the land of the future……eternally.

Further Reading:
The following is a link to an article by Miriam Leitão, titled “Sem Rumo” (Portuguese) http://bit.ly/2APbnJ

segunda-feira, 26 de outubro de 2009

Meditação para o Planeta

By Graham Isaac Shannon @VistaBrazil


  • A mãe terra está se aquecendo, isto ocorre pela emissão de co2 e outros gases gerados pelo consumo de combustíveis fósseis.
  • Entre os dias 7 e 18 de dezembro os líderes mundiais estarão se reunindo em Copenhagen. (Cop15) para estabelecer um plano sucessor para o acordo de Kyoto de 1997.
  • Espera-se que neste acordo os países comprometam-se a atingir as metas de redução de CO2 de suas indústrias, numa tentativa de limitar o aumento da temperatura terrestre abaixo de 2°C, um nível que ainda poderia reverter as mudanças climáticas.
  • A falta de respeito como coletivamente tratamos nossa mãe terra é inaceitável, isto precisa mudar.
  • O que uma pessoa comum pode fazer, não sendo um político, um jurista, um negociador?
  • Meditar pelo planeta, a cada lua cheia até a data do encontro de Copenhagen. Meditar com o objetivo de sensibilizar os corações e mentes de nossos líderes mundiais e negociadores. Meditar para que eles tenham a intuição necessária para romper as barreiras políticas e agirem de forma a resguardar os interesses do planeta, a mãe terra, nossa casa, uma jóia brilhante e solitária que gravita na imensidão escura do espaço.
  • Outras maneiras de contribuir com este processo são mencionados no artigo a seguir:


Em 24 de dezembro de 1968 a história estava sendo escrita. Uma pequena espaçonave gravitou ao redor da superfície da lua e três homens observaram pela primeira vez na história da humanidade uma paisagem desértica. O módulo de órbita lunar tinha acabado de emergir do lado escuro da lua e o piloto Frank Borman estava ocupado manobrando a nave para posicionar as antenas de volta à terra. Enquanto a dirigia em posição vertical ele espiou através da pequena janela de seu cockpit e vislumbrou algo extraordinário, uma linda bola azulada envolta por uma névoa branca, aparentemente frágil e solitária diante da imensidão negra do espaço. Os três homens olharam espantados, temporariamente esquecendo de suas tarefas enquanto testemunhavam em primeira mão esta deslumbrante beleza, surgindo de forma contrastante no horizonte de uma paisagem acinzentada. Mais tarde naquele mesmo dia a tripulação da Apollo 8 comunicou-se com a terra e Bormam concluiu seu depoimento com a seguinte frase: “ nós finalizamos nossa mensagem desejando a todos uma boa noite, boa sorte, um feliz Natal e que Deus abençoe a todos - todos vocês que estão nesta boa Terra”. A imagem que William Alders capturou naquele dia (popularmente conhecida como o Raiar da Terra) nos dá uma visão única de nossa casa materna. Pela primeira vez, durante aquela viagem, nossa raça teve o privilégio de observar a sua beleza incomparável, sua fragilidade, irradiando através do espaço infinito, a sua expressão de amor incondicional.

Então vamos manter o Raiar da Terra em mente, no momento que contemplamos a vida humana 40 anos após aquela fotografia icônica. Hoje nós sabemos que em 1968, nosso planeta já apresentava problemas causados pela nossa presença, e agora estão exacerbados pelo fato que somos quase o dobro da população que éramos naquela ocasião (3,5 bilhões). A ciência nos diz que o principal problema que estamos encarando é o fato que a temperatura da terra começou a aquecer desde o início de 1900. Ela também nos diz que esta tendência de aumento ocorre pela quantidade de dióxido de carbono (e outros gases) que estão rapidamente acumulando-se na atmosfera, com a terra começando a reagir com perturbações climáticas cada vez mais freqüentes.

Poeticamente é uma analogia interessante comparar a velocidade do crescimento de dióxido de carbono com a média do período de vida de um ser humano. Nesta comparação (média de vida do ser humano - 75 anos, mãe terra – 10 milhões de anos) podemos assimilar que as mudanças planetárias em relação ao aumento dos níveis de CO2 (150 anos), ocorreram em um espaço de tempo de vida geológico equivalente a 35 segundos. Imagine uma doença física que aumentaria a temperatura do corpo humano e produzisse outras conseqüências sistêmicas em uma fração de 35 segundos. Seria avaliada como um fato sem precedentes, gerando um grande alarde e nós não economizaríamos em tempo e investimentos para pesquisar a causa e encontrar a cura. Voltando à realidade, a ciência já identificou a causa dos problemas da terra, a origem a qual todos nós fazemos parte. Enquanto cada um de nós andamos por aí cuidando de nossa sobrevivência cotidiana neste planeta, de forma inconsciente contribuímos para a doença que a está atacando. Em cada ato o qual nós consumimos recursos, essenciais ou não, nós criamos uma demanda por indústrias que produzem gases que estão aquecendo nossa boa terra. Quanto mais a gente consome mais nós contribuímos com esta situação.

É um fenômeno recente que a ciência que estuda as mudanças climáticas, começou a ser tratada com seriedade, os números são alarmantes e o relógio está avançando de forma ameaçadora. O grande desafio que a humanidade se depara neste século é provar que somos capazes de viver em harmonia com a mãe terra, contendo e reduzindo nossa poluição atmosférica ao trocar nossa matriz energética industrial por alternativas livres de emissão de carbono. O desafio é enorme, o tempo é curto e os riscos são altos

Então o que estamos fazendo a respeito? O problema com a atitude dos seres humanos é que nós não operamos como um, como seria o caso de uma equipe médica examinando uma pessoa doente. Somos países individuais, vivendo e poluíndo um planeta. Apesar de todos governarem seu próprio pedaço de terra, ninguém é responsável pelo todo, e conseqüentemente pela sua poluição. Entre 7 e 18 de dezembro deste ano, Copenhagen vai sediar a convenção das Nações Unidas para a mudança climática., popularmente conhecida como COP15. Este encontro pretende formalizar um acordo mundial na redução de emissões de carbono ao mesmo tempo em que irá discutir assuntos relacionados ao manejo e preservação das florestas da terra. Será o sucessor do acordo de Kyoto (1997), que foi previamente ignorado por grandes países poluidores, e que expira em 2012. Em relação a analisar os processos de sustentabilidade do nosso planeta é o evento mais importante do nosso século. Os assuntos são complexos, o caminho parece difícil e o objetivo distante, mas nós precisamos manter a fé para que os nossos líderes vejam além de suas ilusões políticas e de consumo para olhar para este pequeno planeta, girando ao redor do espaço com sua beleza.

Devido a importância de Copenhagen 15 nós estamos encorajando as pessoas que se sensibilizam com este assunto para se unir em meditação (ou oração) a cada lua cheia que precede o encontro. A cada meditação nós focaremos nossa intenção nos corações e mentes de nossos líderes e negociadores mundiais. Vamos meditar para que eles tenham a intuição necessária para romper as barreiras políticas e atuem pelo bem da mãe terra.

No início de cada meditação no momento em que a lua se ergue no horizonte nós te convidamos a trocar de lugar com ela, como se você estivesse vendo o Raiar da Terra. Isto vai fazer com que a gente veja a terra como ela realmente é, nossa casa, uma jóia solitária brilhando na escuridão profunda do espaço. Nós estaremos meditando pela Boa Terra e nós esperamos que você una suas forças conosco!

Se você necessita uma meditação adequada nós recomendamos a meditação dos corações gêmeos de Mestre Choa Kok Sui, disponível em várias línguas e formatos para download.http://tiny.cc/Meditate10

Para checar o momento da lua cheia em sua localidade acesse o link. http://tiny.cc/Moonrise

O que nós podemos fazer além da meditação?

  • Informe-se quais são as pautas que serão apresentadas em COP15 e formule suas conclusões.
  • Insista para que seus líderes estejam presentes em COP15.
  • Faça com que seus familiares, filhos amigos e colegas de trabalho fiquem informados a respeito do assunto.
  • Trabalhe para que o colégio de seus filhos e outras organizações sociais adquiram consciência sobre a questão.
  • Vote em sua eleição nacional de acordo com sua opinião em relação ao meio ambiente.
  • Como um consumidor seus hábitos tem um impacto direto.
  • Descubra qual é seu consumo de carbono (O que seu consumo produz em termos de emissão de carbono) Isto vai ajudar a priorizar suas ações.
  • Trabalhe para minimizar seu impacto na mãe terra.
  • Exija que seus fornecedores ofereçam produtos com baixa emissão de carbono
  • Use seu conhecimento em qualquer compra que fizer.
  • Pense duas vezes antes de consumir, você realmente precisa disto? Quando estiver em dúvida pense no despertar da terra para ajudar na sua decisão.
Considere ter uma família pequena.

Artigos e fontes de informação:

sábado, 12 de setembro de 2009

Meditate for the Good Earth

By Graham Isaac Shannon @VistaBrazil


  • Mother Earth is heating up, caused by CO2 & others gases generated by fossil fuel driven consumption.
  • Between December 7th & 18th world leaders are meeting (Copenhagen #COP15) to establish the successive climate change plan to the Kyoto agreement of 1997.
  • In this agreement countries will hopefully commit to CO2 reduction targets for their industries in an attempt to cap the earth’s temperature increase below 2°C, a level at which it is hoped that the changes can be reversible.
  • The lack of respect with which we collectively treat our mother earth is unacceptable, this must change.
  • What can the average person do, not being a politician, law maker or negotiator?
  • Meditate for the Good Earth, every full moon until the meeting. Meditate for the hearts and minds of our world leaders and negotiators. Meditate for them to have the intuition necessary to break political barriers and act for the good of Mother Earth, our home, a brilliant solitary jewel in the black depths of space.
  • Other ways of contributing can be found in the article below.


On December 24, 1968 history was being made. A small space craft sped above the surface of the moon and a trio of men peered down on a barren landscape for the first time in human history. The lunar orbit module had just emerged from the dark side of the moon and the pilot Frank Borman was busy maneuvering the vessel to point antennas back to earth. As he rolled the vessel vertically he glanced out his small cockpit window and beheld something extraordinary, a beautiful bluish ball enveloped in swirling white, seemingly fragile and solitary before the black immensity of space. The three men gazed in awe, temporarily forgetting their tasks as they be-held first hand this gorgeous beauty, rising up from below the starkly contrasted horizon of a grey moonscape. Later on that day the crew of Apollo 8 spoke to the people of earth with Borman finishing “we close with good night, good luck, a Merry Christmas, and God bless all of you - all of you on the good Earth." The image that William Alders took on that day (commonly referred to as “Earth Rise”) provides us with a unique view of our motherly home. For the first time during that voyage, our race was privileged to observe her beauty, her uniqueness and her fragility, radiating out into the emptiness of space as an ultimate expression of selfless love.

So let’s keep “Earth Rise” in mind as we contemplate human life, 40 years on from that iconic photo. Today we know that in 1968, our planet was already with problems caused by our presence, exacerbated today by the fact that there is almost double the quantity of us than there were then (3.5 billion). Science now tells us that the principle problem facing our planet and hence our life upon it, is the fact that since the early 1900´s the temperature has begun to heat up. We are also told that this tendency is due the quantity of Carbon Dioxide (and other gases) that are rapidly accumulating in the atmosphere, with the earth beginning to react with increasing frequencies of climatic disturbance.

Poetically it is an interesting analogy to compare the speed of this increase in terms of the average lifetime of a human compared to that of our planet. In such a comparison, (average human lifetime - 75 years, mother earth - 10 million years) we can assimilate that the planetary changes in relation to increasing CO2 levels (150 years), have occurred in the equivalent geological life time of 35 seconds. Imagine a human disease that was to alarmingly increase our temperature and produce other serious systemic consequences within 35 seconds. It would certainly be treated as without precedent, with great alarm and we would spare no expense to seek out the cause and the cure. Flipping back to reality, science has already identified the cause of earth’s problem, the origin to which we are all part of. As each of us go about our everyday life of survival on our planet, we unwittingly contribute to the disease that is attacking her. In each act in which we consume resources, essential or non-essential, we fuel the demand for industries that produce the gases that are heating up THE GOOD EARTH. The more we consume the more we contribute.

It is relatively recently that the science of climate change has begun to be treated seriously, the figures are frightening and the clock is ticking. The great challenge humanity faces in this century is to prove that we can live in harmony with mother earth, containing and reducing our atmospheric pollution by switching our industries and energy matrixes to carbon free alternatives. The challenge is huge, the time is short and the stakes are high.

So what are we doing about it? The problem with us humans is that we don´t operate as one, as would be the case of a medical team examining a diseased person. We are individual countries, living on and polluting one planet. Although everybody governs his own piece of land, nobody is responsible for the whole, and therefore the polluting of it either. Between December 7th and 18th of this year, Copenhagen will host the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, commonly referred to as #COP15. This meeting intends to formalize a global agreement on the reductions of Carbon emissions as well as also trying to address the issues related to the management and preservation of earth’s forests. It will be the successor to the previous Kyoto agreement (1997), which was previously ignored by numerous big emission countries and expires in 2012. In terms of addressing the sustainability of life on our planet it is the single most important meeting of our century. The issues are complex, the finger pointing is rife, the way appears difficult and the goal distant, but we must maintain faith that our leaders will see through the illusion of politics and consumption to see a small planet, spinning its unique beauty into the voids of space.

In light of the importance of Copenhagen 15, we are encouraging likeminded people to join us in meditation (or prayer) at each full moon leading up to the meeting. During each meditation we intend to focus on the hearts and minds of our world leaders and negotiators. We will meditate for them to have the intuition necessary to break political barriers and act for the good of Mother Earth. In each meditation as the moon rises we invite you to swap places with her, as if looking from the perspective of Earthrise. It will enable us to see our mother earth as she really is, our home, a brilliant solitary jewel in the black depths of space. We will be meditating for the Good Earth and we hope that you will join forces with us!.

If you are needing a suitable meditation we recommend "Meditation on Twin Hearts" by Master Choa Kok Sui, available in various languages and download formats. http://tiny.cc/Meditate10

To check moonrise times in your location, click on the following link. http://tiny.cc/Moonrise

What can we personally do aside from meditation?

  • Inform yourself about what is at stake at the COP15 meeting and form your opinions.
  • Insist that our leaders personally attend COP15.
  • Make your children, family, friends and colleagues aware of the issues.
  • Work with your children’s school and social organizations to raise general awareness.
  • Vote in your national elections in accordance with your environmental opinions.
  • As a consumer your habits will have a direct impact.
  • Find out what your “carbon footprint” is (what your consumption equates too in terms of carbon emissions). This will help you prioritize your actions in helping.
  • Work to reduce your impact on mother earth.
  • Demand low carbon products of your suppliers.
  • Use your knowledge in whatever you purchase.
  • Think twice before you consume, do you really need it? When in doubt think of “Earth Rise” to help your decision!
  • Consider a small family.
Article and Information Sources:

domingo, 28 de junho de 2009

The History of Crickets in Brazilian Land Reform

In Brazil the word “grileiro” originates from the common, noisy little insect, the cricket. If you put this noisy little fellow in a box together with a document of some sort, the resultant yellow “ragged edge” effect, manifests an appearance well beyond its years. It is this technique that gives rise to the word, referring to a person who falsifies documents to illegally attain ownership of public land.

Recently the Brazilian President Luiz Inacio da Silva, passed a bill (Provisional Measure or “MP” 458) which will confirm the transfer of ownership of approximately 67.4 million hectares of public land (about the size of France) in the state of Amazonia, to private owners. The bill allows for the legalization of possession of invaded public lands, merely by a declaration of who occupies it.

The public discussion revolving around the bill, clearly demonstrates the significant problems Brazil faces in its land reform process and highlights the differing spectrums of the agricultural and environmental lobbies.

The government argues that the measure will bring security to hundreds of thousands of small farm owners in the region, whilst on the flip side, environmentalists’ alert that “grileiros” or squatters are being granted amnesty, sending out clear signals of leniency to such practices. Whilst one quarter purports to reduce violence stemming from the ownership of land, the other argues that the bill will increase land speculation, illegal forest occupations and even threaten the rights of indigenous and tribal communities.

To affirm who is correct is a matter of perspective, but in the battle of the principle lobby movements involved, it has never been clearer where the allegiances of President Lula lie.

Sources: BBC, Greenpeace Brasil, Wikipédia.